Facebook – Halloween Pet Safety Tips:

Halloween Pet Safety Tips:
1. Chocolate in all forms—especially dark or baking chocolate—can be very dangerous for dogs and cats. Candies containing the artificial sweetener xylitol can also cause problems. If you suspect your pet has ingested something toxic, call your vet or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
2. Wires and cords from electric lights and other decorations should be kept out of reach of your pets. If chewed, your pet might suffer cuts or burns, or receive a possibly life-threatening electrical shock.
3. All but the most social dogs and cats should be kept in a separate room away from the front door during peak trick-or-treating hours. Too many strangers can be scary and stressful for pets.
4. Always make sure your dog or cat has proper identification. If for any reason your pet escapes and becomes lost, a collar and tags and/or a microchip can be a lifesaver.
5. Don’t put your dog or cat in a costume unless you know he or she loves it since it can cause undue stress. If you do dress up your pet, the costume should not constrict the animal’s movement or hearing, or impede his ability to breathe, bark or meow. Also, be sure to try the costume on your pet before the big night.
Hope you have a safe and Happy Halloween!