Control Depot Training Center

In the control industry training is the key to being a successful residential and commercial contractor. At Control Depot, we understand that control technologies associated with the HVAC control industry changes almost daily. To help with this endeavor, Control Depot has recently added a new state of the art training facility in our Omaha office. Training courses are available in-house or on-site for our control contacting partners, mechanical service providers, and end-users. If you would like to learn more please feel free to call and get a list of presentation or talk to us about customizing a class to fit your needs.
Control Depot can offer contractors and end-users product and system training in three formats:
- Factory-certified training at our Omaha Training Facility.
- Customized on-site training at their facility at their schedule.
- Project-specific training at our Omaha Training Facility.
Control Depot offer factory-certified courses emphasizing real-world examples in the development and operation of building automation systems. The goal is to maximize the potential of every student by delivering comprehensive instruction in an interactive learning environment.
Training Classes held at Control Depot’s training center included.
Audience: Class is designed for new students seeking Tridium Niagara Certification.
Prerequisites: None
Description: The goal is to educate students to a basic level of technical expertise necessary to effectively and efficiently design, engineer and program projects using the Niagara Framework. A certification exam is given at the end of the course. Students who pass the test at the end of the class will receive a Certificate of Achievement issued by Tridium testifying to their ability.
Audience: Class is designed for students who are already Niagara AX or Niagara N4 Certified and who have extensive Niagara field experience
Prerequisites: WEBs/Niagara AX Tridium Certification and HTTP 201A, or HTTP 201B
Description: Class builds on the Niagara Certification Course foundation and dives into more advanced topics for the more experienced technician. Class topics include an introduction to Java Classes and Objects, Understanding and using Niagara Baja docs, creating program objects, Java API to BFormat conversion, Program Service and Batch editing, JACE Metrics and Diagnostics, Tuning Policies, PKI/SSL Certificates and Digital Signatures, Export Tagging, User Sync Service, BQL, Reporting and other advanced topics.
Audience: Class is designed for students who are already WEBs/Niagara AX or N4 Certified.
Prerequisites: WEBs/Niagara AX or N4 Tridium Certification
Description: Class topics include controller specifications, BACnet architecture, device addressing, function blocks, simulation, debugging, macros, applications, BACnet objects, proxy points, time schedules, Spyder library, priority array, Zio™ wall module, and VAV balancing.
Audience: Class is designed for new students seeking education on the Honeywell Spyder7 Controllers product line.
Prerequisites: None
Description: Class topics include overview of the Honeywell Spyder7 including selection, installation, and programming. Hands-on programming time with a Spyder7 demo is included along with Spyder7 certification from Honeywell.
Audience: Class is designed for new students seeking education on Honeywell valves, actuators, sensors, and dampers.
Prerequisites: None
Description: Class topics include overviews of the Honeywell Configure/Price/Quote (CPQ) tool, Honeywell valve offerings (ball valves, globe valves, butterfly valves, actuators, linkages, parts), Honeywell damper offerings (HVAC & Fire/Smoke actuators, standard and custom dampers, round damper), and Honeywell sensor offerings (temperature, humidity, CO2, pressure).
Audience: Class is designed for new students seeking education on Honeywell Analytics on commercial, industrial, and refrigeration fixed gas detection systems.
Prerequisites: None
Description: Class topics include overview of the commercial, industrial, and refrigeration product lines including selection, installation, and programming for these products. Commercial: 301C, 301EM, E3Point, XCL, XRL. Industrial: XNX, XCD. Refrigeration: TPPL, ECFX, IRF9. Hands-on programming time with a demo is included.
Audience: Class is designed for new students seeking education on the Honeywell Jade economizer controller.
Prerequisites: None
Description: Class topics include overview of the Honeywell Jade economizer controller including selection, sensors, installation, and programming. Hands-on programming time with a Jade economizer demo is included.
Audience: Class is designed for new students seeking education on the Honeywell Power Sub-meters.
Prerequisites: None
Description: Class topics include overview of the Honeywell Power Sub-metering products including selection and installation.
Audience: Class is designed for Contractors and/or End Users who wish to become Honeywell Analytics certified on the basic operation, maintenance and calibration of the Honeywell Analytics / Manning Gas Detection Equipment.
Prerequisites: None
Description: Class topics can be specific for site equipment or cover general Honeywell Analytics offerings. Controllers: AirAlert 96d, Touch Point Plus (TPPL), HA series, legacy GM series. Sensors: ECFX, IRF9 (AirScan), VentLine, XCD (SVIP). Legacy: ECF2. Accessories: VA301-RM8, VA301-AP.
Audience: Class is designed for new students seeking education on PROLON controllers and programming tools.
Prerequisites: None
Description: Class topics include an overview of the PROLON product offerings, complete programming tool training, programming of sequence of operations, configuration of WiFi communications, dashboards, database maintenance, review of advanced PROLON topics.
For information on any of the above classes, please contact Control Depot.